

Dedicated Salesforce Team

Our approach involves creating a fully managed team comprised of certified Salesforce Developers. This team maintains direct communication with you, ensuring adherence to top-tier practices and development norms. The Amberfy team utilizes its offshore resources to offer development, customization, and enhancement services at an optimized cost.

Why hiring our dedicated team is beneficial to you?

Assigning Tasks
We will provide recommendations that will forwardyou in the right direction and will make the process ofproduct development easier.
Timely Reporting
At each stage of platform or application development,we provide full reporting on the successful completionof carried-out tasks.
Formation Of The Staff
Depending on the size of your project, you can tailorthe team assigned to you and use resources effectivelyto reduce development time.

When to choose the Dedicated Team model

You want to deliver a mid or long-term project
If your challenging tech initiative may take asignificant amount of time, it is better to hire aDedicated Development Team as a strategicpartner to mitigate any risks
You don't have a clearvision of your project
Unclear IT project paths and conflictingrequirements are a serious threat. Mitigate theserisks with an Agile Development Team fromStrimkosoft that you can assemble and manage
You want to implementan MVP project
A successful MVP is all about adequateunderstanding and speed. The best way toensure these is to collaborate with a top-rankedDedicated Team of developers
You have an in-houseProduct Owner withdomain expertise
T initiatives involving several tech stacks arehard to implement unless you have a DedicatedSoftware Development Team possessing amastery of all tools required and working underyour in-house guidance
You want to remain fullyinvolved in businessdecision-making
Changing requirements, fluctuating priorities,and an unstable environment pose considerablerisks if you don't have a dedicated team ofdevelopers to firmly rely on
You need technicalexpertise in a particular area
Quite often, complex IT projects require aspecial set of competencies focused on aparticular issue. A Dedicated SoftwareDevelopment Team assembled with ourassistance will close any gap
Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ's About Dedicated Teams

Faq Img

What is a dedicated Salesforce development team?

Why should I consider a dedicated team for Salesforce development?

What roles are typically included in a dedicated Salesforce development team?

How many members should be in a dedicated Salesforce team?

What should I consider when hiring a dedicated Salesforce development team?

How do I effectively onboard a new Salesforce development team?

What are the steps to initiate your Salesforce Dedicated Team?

Start your custom Salesforce development now

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